Are you an author yourself?
No, not of anything published. Maybe some day.
Where do you find the books you read?
I'm active in a couple of Goodreads groups, I have my favorite authors I keep an eye on, and I'm a subscriber of Bookbub, which emails me about free/inexpensive e-books.
Why do you call yourself "Auntie Mike"?
The nickname was born years ago, when I was visiting a friend whose cat I had sitted and bonded with while she was out of town. I was often called on to pet-sit, since I love animals and enjoyed doing it (and was happy to do it for free). Anyway, as I walked in the door, I called out "Auntie Mike is here!" and my friend thought that was the most ridiculously hilarious thing ever. Word spread, and I became Auntie to all my friends' pets. It always makes me think of the stereotype of the queeny old gay auntie, with his wisdom and comfort and kind words, and it makes me laugh because, unless you happen to be a pet, I'm relatively short on comfort and kind words. (The wisdom bit is debatable.)
Do you accept ARCs or free books in exchange for reviews?
You can ask, but don't hold your breath. I like reading because it's NOT obligatory; slap an assignment on the end of it and it sucks all the fun right out of the book. But I'm not saying never.
I think the book you just skewered is wonderful!
First, that's not a question. Second, I don't care. Get your own blog.
What kind of cat do you have?
He's a flamepoint ragdoll. Literature on the breed will tell you that ragdolls are large, sweet-tempered, docile cats. The literature lies; he would happily chew of your toes one at a time. Like kitty, like Auntie, I guess.
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