Sunday, May 3, 2015

Book Review: The Park Service, by Ryan Winfield

This review was originally written on July 4, 2014

And, we have the first book of the blog in which I didn't read far enough to feel justified in rating it. I don't recall anymore how early on it was that I DNFed it...but it was early on. Obviously, this book didn't live up to the hype.

I felt proud of myself for being patient at first. Patient with the similarities to other books (it's like Ember and Wool mated), patient with the colorless lack of strong emotion in the characters, and patient with a main character who was too immature to hold the position of main character.

I got a bit less patient with the lazy, contrived escape, and even less than that when the campers started in with their "dialect."

Sad to say, though, that what finally tipped me over the edge was a declarative sentence closed with a question mark. See, what that tells me is that we have an author who is perfectly fine with selling a product without springing for a competent editor. THAT makes me angry.

There might be a good story buried under all the mediocrity. I'll never find out.


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